VanU Programs
We have age and level specific programming for players from three years old to seventeen. Some is team-based at scheduled training sessions and some is supplementary that players can opt into like our Academy or Camps.
First Kicks U4-U8 2024-2025 Season
This program is for players born in the years: 2018 (U8) 2019 (U7), 2020 (U6), 2021 (U5), 2022 (U4)
*Age groups change over in the Spring*
This program is designed with one goal in mind...FUN! Participants will take part in a variety of activities that will help with their physical literacy, introduce them to the technical aspect of the game and will see them take part in game play.
This program’s curriculum has been influenced by the Canadian Soccer Association’s new Children's license. A nonlinear pedagogical approach will be adhered to and the main developmental goals for these age groups are physical literacy, having fun with friends and the ball, enjoying unstructured play, and most importantly we want them leaving the field each day with a strong sense of belonging.
“We need to encourage the development of play, where the child can explore, be creative, learn about risk and go through the process themselves.” - Nick Levett Head of UK Coaching
At VanU we offer First Kicks program in the Fall, Winter and Spring across multiple locations. To understand each program please click on the link in the table below for further information:
Not sure what age group your child falls into? Click here for a breakdown of the age groups for First Kicks
SECOND KICKS (FALL & WINTER 2024-25): Players born 2015-2017
Note that U8 (2017 born), U9 (2016 born) and U10 (2015 born) soccer is now called Second Kicks. You can get info on that program here.
First Kicks (U6-U8) 2023-2024 Season
This program is designed with one goal in mind...FUN! Participants will take part in a variety of activities that will help with their physical literacy, introduce them to the technical aspect of the game and will see them take part in game play.
This program’s curriculum has been influenced by the Canadian Soccer Assosiation’s new Children's license. A nonlinear pedagogical approach will be adhered to and the main developmental goals for these age groups are physical literacy, having fun with friends and the ball, enjoying unstructured play, and most importantly we want them leaving the field each day with a strong sense of belonging.
“We need to encourage the development of play, where the child can explore, be creative, learn about risk and go through the process themselves.” - Nick Levett Head of UK Coaching
We are pleased to let everyone know that our U6-U8 First Kicks registration is open for all players born 2016, 2017 and 2018:
Sessions will run once a week on Sundays at 1pm for players born 2018 and at 2pm for players born 2016 and 2017. This program is run by VanU Technical Staff and does not require any parent participation.
Location: Hillcrest Mini Turf Field.
Dates: September 10th to November 5th
Cost: $155 (Includes Jersey, Shorts & Socks)
We are pleased to let everyone know that our U6-U8 First Kicks registration is open for all players born 2016, 2017 & 2018:
A total of 36 sessions which will run twice a week. Players will have a week day evening session either at 5pm or 6pm located at UBC or Jericho and a Saturday session which will take place at Chaldecott Park. The times of the games are selected when you register. For the U6 and U7 players the games will be 9am, 10am or 11am and for the U8 players the games will be 12.15pm or 1.15pm. This program is led by VanU Staff with volunteer coaches running the sessions.
Dates: September 9th to February 24th (No sessions on Thanksgiving weekend, Family Day weekend and the program closes for a winter break in December)
Cost: $365 (Includes Jersey, Shorts & Socks)
SECOND KICKS (FALL & WINTER): Players born 2014 and 2015
Note that U9 (2015 born) and U10 (2014 born) soccer is now called Second Kicks. You can get info on that program here.
SECOND KICKS (U8 - U10) 2024-2025 Season
Second Kicks (U8, U9 & U10) is the subsequent program to our U4-U7 First Kicks program. In First Kicks, players were limited in their exposure to game-based soccer, and played along side several different 12 player teams. In Second Kicks, Boys join an independent team of 14-16 players, while girls join a team of 12 - 14 who practice together once per week, and then finish off with a game on the weekend. On game days, teams are subdivided into two new groups to play 6 a side games versus the other team's two groups. Boys play their games on Saturdays, while Girls play their games on Sundays.
Second Kicks for Players Born 2017 (U8), 2016 (U9), 2015 (U10) - UBC/Trimble Locations
First week of September 2024 until late February or early March 2025 (six months). There will be a winter break from mid-December through early January.
One training session per week, ran by parent volunteer coaches at Warren Field. Teams do have access to staff coaching support. VanU holds our members' feedback in high regard, and consequently we have adjusted the practice schedule process to accommodate your needs. During the registration process, members will be able to request a specific team which has a specific training day assigned. We know you have a busy schedule, and VanU wants to make it easier for you to plan your schedule. Practice days will either be a Tuesday or Wednesday for the 2024 - 2025 season.
Each weekend, teams are divided into two new groups to play their games simultaneously, side-by-side. Boys play on Saturdays and Girls play on Sundays. Games are only on the weekends. Schedules are available end of August for game days.
Girls teams are combined at U8/U9 and separate at U10 to provide a better program experience for all players based on the registration numbers.
Players will receive two jerseys (home and away), shorts, and socks. Make sure you select the appropriate sizes in your registration form. Players are responsible for bringing their own shin guards, water bottles, and cleats.
Kit is supplied by Macron. To view Macron's size charts, click here.
If you would like to set up a payment plan for the program, please contact our Operations Manager ( who will be able to assist you.
Second Kicks for Players Born 2016 (U9) and 2015 (U10) - Memorial South Turf Field/Churchill Secondary School Field
First week of September 2024 until late February or early March 2025 (six months). There will be a winter break from mid-December through early January.
First practice will begin the week of September 2nd (no practice on Labour Day). One training session per week, ran by parent volunteer coaches at Memorial South Field on Wednesday evenings at 5pm. Teams do have access to staff coaching support. VanU holds our members' feedback in high regard, and consequently we have adjusted the practice schedule process to accommodate your needs.
Each weekend, teams are divided into two new groups to play their games simultaneously, side-by-side. Boys play on Saturdays and Girls play on Sundays. Games are only on the weekends. Schedules are available end of August for game days but will be in the Mornings. You may have an occasional game at Trimble or UBC but most games will be at Churchill field.
Players will receive two jerseys (home and away), shorts, and socks. Make sure you select the appropriate sizes in your registration form. Players are responsible for bringing their own shin guards, water bottles, and cleats. Kits will be distributed by your coach at their first practice.
Kit is supplied by Macron. To view Macron's size charts, click here.
If you would like to set up a payment plan for the program, please contact our Operations Manager ( who will be able to assist you.
Second Kicks for Players Born 2017 (U8), 2016 (U9), and 2015 (U10) - Japanese Hall *NEW
This is VanU's new indoor programming taking place at the Japanese Hall (487 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 1C6). This is a once-a-week program run for players aged 7 years old through to 9 years old:
U8 - U10 - This is a boys only program, for boys born 2015, 2016 and 2017
- Sunday: 3pm - 4pm
- January 12 - March 2 (No session on Family Day weekend)
If you would like to set up a payment plan for the program, please contact our Operations Manager ( who will be able to assist you.
U11-18 Soccer in BCCSL and VYSA
When players get to U11 they leave the in-house VanU league we run up to U10 and most enter BC Coastal Soccer League (BCCSL). Only the U11 and U12 Div 3 teams go into a different league run directly by our District, Vancouver Youth Soccer Association (VYSA). This allows for a more regionalized league that reduces travel. Scheduling and discipline are handled by VYSA but there is still a link to allow for movement of teams between BCCSL Div 2 and VYSA Div 3 at these ages.
BCCSL was formed for the 2017-18 season. Previously there were four leagues covering boys and girls across the Lower Mainland in all the non-elite levels of play (Metro, Div 1, 2 and 3). Now all players in BCCSL play under the same set of rules and the same calendar.
The BC Soccer Premier League (BCSPL) was established by BC Soccer in conjunction with Canada Soccer, the Vancouver Whitecaps FC, and the BC Soccer membership. The overall objective of the league is to support the development and identification of players within a standards based environment for Under 14 through Under 18 male and female programming. Each year, the BCSPL plays a spring/summer season (phase 1) starting in late February and culminating in the Provincial Premier Cup in late June. The fall season (phase 2) consists of 9 to 10 weeks of league play. Together with its Development Partners, the BCSPL focuses on player, coach and referee development within a standards based game environment.
VanU, having achieved the Canadian Soccer Association’s National Youth Club License in 2019, now enters teams in BCSPL. All new BCSPL franchises enter teams at the youngest age group, known as the ‘U14 Intakes’ each year. This sees us add two more teams every year. In 2024, we will add two more, taking us to eight (2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011) born teams on both the girls and boys side. Here is the program we have put together for this group.
There are no “tryouts” or specific evaluation dates for this level for members of our Club. All current Vancouver United FC members who are within the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 age groups at our Club (those are currently the only 3 age groups where we have the BCSPL level) are evaluated throughout the season within their current environments (as part of the clubs season long evaluation process) and if requested to, are able to take part in training sessions and games as part of the fluid roster and permitting process.
For players currently playing U13 at our club; VanU staff evaluate the player pool throughout the entire season and select players into the BCSPL at the appropriate signing windows provided by BC Soccer. Our development pathway however does not simply revolve around the BCSPL level, as we aspire to build out entire age groups; our BCSPL & Division One (next level) are in regular contact with one another and both programs adhere to similar philosophies revolving around long term player development and sustainability.
(This is for non members only)
For any players who are currently NOT Vancouver United FC members born in 2012, 2011 , 2010, 2009 and 2008; and who would like to express their interest in joining the Vancouver United FC BCSPL program please complete the form below:
Players who are already registered and playing with Vancouver United should not use the above form, as they are always in consideration
The following fee structure is based on the 2025/2026 season.
FEES BCSPL Intake 2012
Registration fee will be $3000 - $3300. This will include professional coaches for all training sessions and games, uniforms, training kit (including a tracksuit and bag), all travel within the season schedule costs. There will be no additional fees for this program. Payment will be due in three instalments due as follows:
- $800 (non refundable) within 48 hours upon accepting a spot on the team.
- $1600 on or before March 1st 2024
- $600 - $900 on or before May 1st 2024
- Credit card surcharges of 3% are charged by the issuer.
FEES BCSPL 2008 - 2011
Registration fee will be $3000 - $3300. This will include professional coaches for all training sessions and games, uniforms, training kit (including a tracksuit and bag), all travel within the season schedule costs. There will be no additional fees for this program. Payment will be due in three instalments due as follows:
- $800 (non refundable) within 48 hours upon accepting a spot on the team
- $1600 on or before February 1st 2025
- $600 - $900 on or before May 1st 2025
- Credit card surcharges of 3% are charged by the issuer
- Our main focus is to facilitate and support the promotion of our players to higher levels of play (National teams, Provincial High Performance Program, Whitecaps Academy/REX).
- As our players near graduation out of the program (U16 to U18), our aim is to help their exposure to the various Universities and Colleges who recruit out of the BCSPL
- If you have any questions regarding this program, please feel free to contact our Technical Director and BCSPL Technical Lead Maurice Hayes
Van U will be offering soccer for the upcoming Spring season. Further information will be available early March, for those players who are not currently members of Vancouver United and would like further information on our Spring programming, please email us at
Info about Coastal and Provincial Cup Competitions
Please click on the links below for more information about the BC Coastal Cup and BCSA Provincial Cup.
Game Officials
VanU runs clinics for those who want to become game officials (referees and assistant referees) once a year. Information is sent directly to members or will be published on this page. To referee small sided games (U9 and U10) you must be at least 12 years old to take the Small Sided Games course. You can also be an assistant ref (linesman or lineswoman) at this age once you've taken the same course. To be a game official for U11 to U18 games you must take the Entry Level Referee Clinic.
Before taking further interest, please read through the BC Soccer Website for referees (Click Here)
For general questions about becoming a referee at VanU please contact
There are currently no referee courses scheduled by VanU for the upcoming season. Details will be published on this page when the courses are available. Members are able to attend a course externally and register with the club to become a referee.
To find a local course and to learn more about the referee programming please Click Here