These refund policies are listed on registration forms when you register for the season or for a program. Please make sure you are aware of what refund may be available to you and the terms specific to them. All refund requests must use the Player Withdrawal Form and be sent via email to 

Please note that fees already paid to the District and League will be deducted from any refund or credit as will the cost of any uniform or kit that has been provided. This applies to all programming as applicable. 

Refund Policy - First Kicks (U4-U8)

First Kicks Policy (U4-U8)

All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Once approved in accordance with the policies outlined below, refunds will be issued on a timely basis to the credit card used for the initial registration, or a cheque will be issued to the address provided on the Player Withdrawal Form. Refunds are generally issued on the last day of the month.

Please note that players joining programs after the start date, we are not able to pro-rate the program fees. 

U4 and U5 First Kicks Refunds

All refunds are subject to a $32 administration fee and $35 for uniform (if received).

Uniforms can not be returned once they have been provided to the players.

Requests received before the Fall, Winter or Spring sessions start:

  • Refunded in full minus the administration fee and uniform fee (if received)

Requests received between the day of the first session and before the third session:

  • 50% refund minutes the administration fee and uniform fee.

No refunds will be issued after the third session of the Fall, Winter or Spring session.

U6- U8 Fall/Winter First Kicks Refunds

All refunds are subject to a $37 administration fee and a. $35 for uniform (if received).

Uniforms can not be returned once they have been provided to the players.

Requests received before the Fall/Winter sessions start:

  • Refunded in full minus the administration fee and uniform fee (if received)

Requests received between the day of the first session and before the sixth session:

  • 50% refund minutes the administration fee and uniform fee.

No refunds will be issued after the sixth session of the Fall/Winter session.

Refund Policy - Second Kicks (U9-U10) and Division 3 (U11-U18)



All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Once approved in accordance with the policies outlined below, refunds will be issued on a timely basis to the credit card used for the initial registration, or a cheque will be issued to the address provided on the Player Withdrawal Form. Refunds are generally issued on the last day of the month.

The refund policy for House (U9-U10) and U11 - U18 Division 3 players is as follows:

  • Refund requests submitted up to the day before the start of each season for which the player is registered will be refunded in full, less a $47 non-refundable administration fee for U9 and U10 players and $60 for U11 - U18 Division 3 players along with any uniform fees.
  • Refund requests submitted between the day the season starts and October 31st will be refunded 50% of the applicable registration fee, less an administration fee of $47 for U9 and U10 players and $60 for U11 - U18 Division 3 players along with any uniform fees.
  • No refunds will be issued after October 31st
  • Requests to withdraw for medical reasons  must be accompanied by a legible doctors note with contact information for the doctor. Refunds will be on a pro-rated basis and are subject to the following conditions:
    • Refund requests submitted up to the day before the start of the season for which the player is registered will be refunded in full, less a $60 non-refundable administration fee along with any uniform fees.
    • Refund requests submitted by November 30th will be refunded 50% of the applicable registration fee, less a $25 non-refundable administration fee along with any uniform fees.
    • Refund requests submitted by January 15th will be refunded 25% of the applicable registration fee, less a $25 non-refundable administration fee along with any uniform fees.
    • No refunds will be issued after January15th.

Refund Policy - BCSPL, Metro, Div 1 & 2 (U11-U18)


All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Once approved in accordance with the policies outlined below, refunds will be issued on a timely basis to the credit card used for the initial registration, or a cheque will be issued to the address provided on the Player Withdrawal Form. Refunds are generally issued on the last day of the month.

The refund policy for BCSPL, METRO , U11-U18 Division 1 or 2 players is as follows:

  • Players registered on a team at the BCSPL, Metro, Division 1 or 2 levels are NOT eligible for a refund of their registration fee except as outlined below:
  • For information on withdrawals due to medical reasons see the section covering this on our website.
  • Requests to withdraw from a team at the BCSPL, BCCSL Metro, Division 1 or 2 levels to play on a higher-level team not provided by Vancouver United FC submitted prior to the start of the season will be refunded 50% of the applicable registration fee, less a $60 non-refundable administration fee for BCSPL, Metro, Division 1 and Division 2 and $72 plus 3% of the fees paid to that point (BCSPL fees are paid in instalments). Fees for kit purchase would also need to be deducted.
  • Requests to withdraw due to relocation (i.e., moving to another municipality or further) will be refunded as follows:
    • Refund requests submitted by October 31st will be refunded 50% of the applicable registration fee, less the applicable non-refundable administration fee, plus any uniform fees.
    • No refunds will be issued after October 31st.
Refund Policy - Academy

Academy Refund Policy

All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Academy refers to the following programs for 2022-2023:

  • VanU Fall, Winter and Spring Academy for players and goalkeepers.
  • VanU Skill Centre  (Fall, Winter and Spring)

Once approved in accordance with the policies outlined below, refunds will be issued on a timely basis to the credit card used for the initial registration, or a cheque will be issued to the address provided on the Player Withdrawal Form. The refund policy for VanU FC Academy sessions is as follows:

All Academy training kits are non-refundable once they have been given to players.

  • Requests to withdraw submitted prior to the second session will be refunded in full, less a $25 non-refundable administration fee minus any sessions commenced.
  • Requests to withdraw submitted after the second session but before the third session will be refunded 30% of the applicable registration fee, less a $25 non-refundable administration fee.
  • No refunds will be issued after the third session.
Refund Policy - Skill Centre

Skill Centre Refund Policy

All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Skill Centre refers to the following programs for 2024-2025:

  • VanU Skill Centre  (Fall, Winter and Spring)

Once approved in accordance with the policies outlined below, refunds will be issued on a timely basis to the credit card used for the initial registration, or a cheque will be issued to the address provided on the Player Withdrawal Form. The refund policy for VanU FC Skill Centre sessions is as follows:

All Skill Centre  kits are non-refundable once they have been given to players (These are items that are purchased separately).

  • Requests to withdraw submitted prior to the first session will be refunded in full, less a $50 non-refundable administration fee minus any sessions commenced.
  • No refunds will be issued after the first session has taken place whether a player has attended or not.
  • There will be no refunds provided for tournament registrations. Teams are formed and submitted upon registration , the impact of withdrawing after committing has a significant impact on the teams and the tournament participation.
  • For Fall and Winter all players must be registered in primary programming to attend the Skill Centre, if a player withdraws from primary programming , the player will not be able to attend the Skill Centre program and a refund will not provided. 
Refund Policy - Camps

VanU Camp Refund Policy

All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Requests to Withdraw received 72 hours in advance of the start of the program will be refunded in full less $25.00 administration fee.

Requests to Withdraw received less than 72 hours but prior to the start of the program will be refunded 50% less $25.00 administration fee.

No refunds will be issued after the start of the program except for medical reasons accompanied by a legible doctor's note with contact information for the doctor. Refunds for medical reasons are subject to consideration of the portion of the program in which the player participated. All medical refunds are still subject to a $25.00 administration fee.

Refund Policy - Cascadia League

Cascadia Refund Policy

All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Once approved in accordance with the policies outlined below, refunds will be issued on a timely basis to the credit card used for the initial registration, or a cheque will be issued to the address provided on the Player Withdrawal Form.

The refund policy for Cascadia Spring League is as follows:

Tier 1&2 Players:

  • Players registered on a team at Tier 1 & Tier 2 levels are NOT eligible for a refund
  • Refunds for medical reasons must be accompanied by a legible doctor's note with contact information for the doctor. Refunds for medical reasons will be pro-rated based on the potion of the season played and will be subject to a $25 administration fee.

Tier 3 Players:

  • Refund requests submitted up to the day before the start of the league will be refunded in full, less a $25 non-refundable administration fee.
  • No refunds will be issued after the start of the league except for medical reasons accompanied by a legible doctor's note with contact information for the doctor. Refunds for medical reasons will be pro-rated based on the potion of the season played and will be subject to a $25 administration fee.

Refunds due to Weather Conditions

Refunds due to Extreme Weather Conditions

In the event of extreme weather conditions, games or practices may be cancelled, if fields are closed by field operators (i.e., UBC, UNA, VPB, or VSB), because field conditions are unsafe for play.

VUFC will not be responsible for refunds if games or practices are cancelled by field operators such as those listed above or leagues that we participate in such as BC Coastal Soccer League (BCCSL), BC Soccer Premier League (BCSPL) or the VYSA leagues run for some U9 to U12 teams. VUFC does not receive any rebates from the District or the leagues we participate in when games are cancelled. Depending on the nature of the cancellation we may or may not receive a credit from field operators.

For cancellations, due to extreme weather, of internal VUFC programs such as First Kicks, Academy, Spring Break and Summer Camps and Skill Centre which are organized and delivered entirely by VUFC, the following rules policy will apply.

      1 - Decisions on what, if any refund or credit, will be provided will be made at the conclusion of the program. This will allow us to determine if we are able to offer a make up session or sessions and also allow us to be certain of the number of sessions were missed

      2 - If one session or, if there were fewer than ten sessions in the program, 10% of the total sessions were missed due to extreme weather conditions no refunds or credits will be issued.

a. The exception to this rule is Spring Break and Summer Camps. For every day that has to be cancelled due to extreme weather, a 20% credit will be issued for a future Camp. This can be used towards a Camp that the same player(s) have already registered for and will take the form of a 20% rebate in that case

b. No credits will be issued for a day of camp that has to be cancelled once it has already begun. Staff will remain on site with registered participants in a safe areas until they are able to be picked up by parents or guardians.

3 - For programs where cancellations exceed 10% of the total sessions or more than one session in the case of programs with fewer than ten sessions, VUFC will make every effort to provide a make up session with reasonable notice at a similar location and time as the cancelled session. If make session or sessions are offered to replace sessions missed due to extreme weather, no refunds or credits will be issue regardless of whether a player is able to make the make up session or sessions or not. If make up sessions are not able to be scheduled, a credit that can be used in any future VUFC Academy, Goalkeeper Academy, Skill Centre, Spring Break Camp, Summer Camp or First Kicks program within one year of the credit being issued will be provided. The credit will be equivalent to the total number of sessions missed, minus one divided by the total number of sessions planned. In other words, if there were twelve sessions scheduled and two were missed, the credit will be for one twelfth the cost of the program. If three sessions were missed, the credit will be for two twelfths. For any situation where a reduced or pro-rated fee was paid, the credit will be determined on an individual basis.

In the case of all program cancellations, the club will look for opportunities to extend sessions if field permits are available, however there is no guarantee that fields will be available past the regular season.

Refund Policy - Beach Blast

Beach Blast Refund Policy 

All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

Requests to withdraw from the tournament received by noon on July 30th will be refunded in full less a $50.00 administration fee.

No refunds will be issued after noon on July 30

Refund Policy - U6-U8 Spring First Kicks

U6-U8 Spring First Kicks Refund Policy

All requests for refunds must use the Player Withdrawal Form available here, and be sent to registrar/at/

All refunds are subject to a $32 administration fee and $35 for uniform (if received). Uniforms cannot be returned once they have been provided to players

Requests received before the Spring sessions start:

  • Refunds in full minus the administration fee and then uniform fee (if received.

Requests received between the day of the first session and before the fourth session

  • 50% refund minus administration fee and uniform fee

No refunds will be issued after the third session of the Spring session.